P.O. 3105,   IRMO, SOUTH CAROLINA 29063-3105 


HHOA Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2023, Board Meeting, 6:00 PM, Lex-Co Library


Attendees:  Frank Brown, President; Ellis Reeves, Treasurer, Ed Yates, Secretary; Wendell Paulk, Drew Dunn, Joe Clogher, Rusty Faircloth, Steve Shaffer, Gayle Meser, Jared Cuptill, Steve Keefe.

    The monthly meeting was called to order by  President Franklin Brown at 6:00 PM.         President Frank Brown welcomed all in attendance. 

 Minutes for the February 21, were read. Joe Clogher made a motion to approve the minutes, Drew Dunn made the second, and the minutes were approved by the Board.

 The Financial Reports were presented by Treasurer Ellis Reeves. Joe Clogher made a motion to approve the Financial reports, Wendell Paulk made the second and the Financial reports were approved by the Board.


Old Business:

       1. Date for Meet and Greet (Coffee and Donuts) will be April 29,2023. Motion by Joe Clogher, Second by Ellis Reeves, Passed by Board.

     2. Date for Annual Meeting will be May 6, 2023. Motion by Drew Dunn, Second by Joe Clogher, Passed by board.

     3. Date for Yard Sale will be April 15, 2023. Motion by Drew Dunn, Second by Joe Clogher, Passed by Board

     4. Date for  Spring Picnic will be May 20, 2023. Motion by Drew Dunn, Second by Ellis Reeves, Passed by Board. Arrangements to be made for Seven Oaks Park shelter by Shaffer and Brown. 


 New Business:

           1. Pro and Con discussion regarding the purchase of a printing machine.

           2. Pro and Con discussion regarding the purchase of cameras for front entrance.

           3. Frank Brown presented the details of purchasing two announcement signs (one for each entrance). Size, colors, materials, cost, and maintenance were discussed. 


 Committee Reports:

     Communication:   Web site is being modified. Dates and pictures have been updated.     Steve Shaffer to investigate and recommend further changes. Proposed By Law changes have been added to the web site. Drew Dunn has volunteered to assist Steve with the Hallmark web site modifications.

     Public Works: Tower Court sidewalk has been repaired by Lex Co Highway Department. Other projects include removal of a tree at the west side of Spartan Drive next to the creek and repair of the street at the water drainage grate between 216 Spartan and 220 Spartan.

     Membership:   2023 membership drive is underway. Reports will be made monthly.      Thirty members have paid their dues so far this year.

     Beautification:    Volunteer needed for Chair of this committee.  

     Safety/Crime Watch: Gayle Messer has volunteered to chair this committee.

     Social and Benevolence:    Volunteer needed for Chair of this committee.


Motion to adjourn was made by Joe Clogher and  seconded by Drew Dunn and  approved unanimously.

Minutes for the March 21, 2023, HHOA Board Meeting, Submitted by ED Yates 3/28/23. 


 File:  Minutes March 21, 2023 HHOA Board Meeting